
High-level functions to tidy up already parsed data

These imports are only meant for testing

import numpy as np
from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace

Directory where the zip files are stored

directory = pathlib.Path.cwd().parent / 'samples'
assert directory.exists()


A (sample) file in that directory

input_file = directory / ''
assert input_file.exists()

It is parsed and turned into a column-multiindexed pd.DataFrame

flat_df = sproc.bundle.read_zip(input_file, concatenate=True)
df = sproc.hier.flat_df_to_multiindexed_df(flat_df)
id summary title updated ContractFolderStatus
ContractFolderID ContractFolderStatusCode LocatedContractingParty ProcurementProject LegalDocumentReference ProcurementProject TechnicalDocumentReference LocatedContractingParty TenderingProcess
BuyerProfileURIID Party ParentLocatedParty Name ... PlannedPeriod ID Attachment PlannedPeriod ID Attachment ParentLocatedParty ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod
PartyName PartyName ... StartDate ExternalReference EndDate ExternalReference ParentLocatedParty EndDate EndTime
Name Name ... URI URI PartyName
... Name
zip file name entry PlataformasAgregadasSinMenores_20220105_030012.atom 0 Id licitación: 2021039438; Órgano de Contratac... L'objecte és la contractació del servei de bug... [2022-01-04 12:12:09.464000+00:00] 2021039438 [RES] Ajuntament de Girona Entitats municipals de Catalunya L'objecte és la contractació del servei de bug... ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 2021-12-13 23:59:00+00:00
1 Id licitación: 2021_2568; Órgano de Contrataci... Servei comunicacions postals de l'Ajuntament d... [2022-01-04 12:12:09.400000+00:00] 2021_2568 [ADJ] Ajuntament de Collbató Entitats municipals de Catalunya Servei comunicacions postals de l'Ajuntament d... ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 2021-11-29 23:59:00+00:00

2 rows × 39 columns

The last few columns

MultiIndex([('ContractFolderStatus', 'TenderingProcess', ...),
            ('ContractFolderStatus', 'TenderingProcess', ...)],

Deleted contracts are extracted

deleted_series = sproc.bundle.read_deleted_zip(input_file)
zip                                              file name                                            id                                                                          PlataformasAgregadasSinMenores_20220105_030012.atom   2022-01-04 00:12:01.376000+00:00
                                                                                               2022-01-03 23:11:57.567000+00:00
Name: deleted_on, dtype: datetime64[ns, UTC]

Handling deleted entries

A function to merge together a pd.DataFrame with the actual data and a pd.Series like the one shown meant to flag some entries as deleted. Ultimately, a new a column, deleted_on, is added to the former. It can either contain a date or pd.NaT if the corresponding entry was not deleted.



 merge_deleted (data_df:pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,

Adds a new column with the date on which an entry was deleted or pd.NaT if it was not

Type Details
data_df DataFrame Input data
deleted_series Series Deleted entries
Returns DataFrame Input with new deleted_on column
merged_df = merge_deleted(df, deleted_series)
id summary title updated ContractFolderStatus deleted_on
ContractFolderID ContractFolderStatusCode LocatedContractingParty ProcurementProject ... LegalDocumentReference ProcurementProject TechnicalDocumentReference LocatedContractingParty TenderingProcess
BuyerProfileURIID Party ParentLocatedParty Name ... ID Attachment PlannedPeriod ID Attachment ParentLocatedParty ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod
PartyName PartyName ... ExternalReference EndDate ExternalReference ParentLocatedParty EndDate EndTime
Name Name ... URI URI PartyName
... Name
zip file name entry PlataformasAgregadasSinMenores_20220105_030012.atom 0 Id licitación: 2021039438; Órgano de Contratac... L'objecte és la contractació del servei de bug... [2022-01-04 12:12:09.464000+00:00] 2021039438 [RES] Ajuntament de Girona Entitats municipals de Catalunya L'objecte és la contractació del servei de bug... ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 2021-12-13 23:59:00+00:00 NaT
1 Id licitación: 2021_2568; Órgano de Contrataci... Servei comunicacions postals de l'Ajuntament d... [2022-01-04 12:12:09.400000+00:00] 2021_2568 [ADJ] Ajuntament de Collbató Entitats municipals de Catalunya Servei comunicacions postals de l'Ajuntament d... ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 2021-11-29 23:59:00+00:00 NaT

2 rows × 40 columns

For column-wise flat pd.DataFrames

merge_deleted(flat_df, deleted_series).head(2)
id summary title updated ContractFolderStatus - ContractFolderID ContractFolderStatus - ContractFolderStatusCode ContractFolderStatus - LocatedContractingParty - BuyerProfileURIID ContractFolderStatus - LocatedContractingParty - Party - PartyName - Name ContractFolderStatus - LocatedContractingParty - ParentLocatedParty - PartyName - Name ContractFolderStatus - ProcurementProject - Name ... ContractFolderStatus - LegalDocumentReference - ID ContractFolderStatus - LegalDocumentReference - Attachment - ExternalReference - URI ContractFolderStatus - ProcurementProject - PlannedPeriod - EndDate ContractFolderStatus - TechnicalDocumentReference - ID ContractFolderStatus - TechnicalDocumentReference - Attachment - ExternalReference - URI ContractFolderStatus - LocatedContractingParty - ParentLocatedParty - ParentLocatedParty - PartyName - Name ContractFolderStatus - TenderingProcess - ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod - EndDate ContractFolderStatus - TenderingProcess - ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod - EndTime ContractFolderStatus - TenderingProcess - TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod deleted_on
zip file name entry PlataformasAgregadasSinMenores_20220105_030012.atom 0 Id licitación: 2021039438; Órgano de Contratac... L'objecte és la contractació del servei de bug... [2022-01-04 12:12:09.464000+00:00] 2021039438 [RES] Ajuntament de Girona Entitats municipals de Catalunya L'objecte és la contractació del servei de bug... ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 2021-12-13 23:59:00+00:00 NaT
1 Id licitación: 2021_2568; Órgano de Contrataci... Servei comunicacions postals de l'Ajuntament d... [2022-01-04 12:12:09.400000+00:00] 2021_2568 [ADJ] Ajuntament de Collbató Entitats municipals de Catalunya Servei comunicacions postals de l'Ajuntament d... ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 2021-11-29 23:59:00+00:00 NaT

2 rows × 40 columns

The last column is the new one added

merged_df.iloc[:, -2:]
ContractFolderStatus deleted_on
zip file name entry PlataformasAgregadasSinMenores_20220105_030012.atom 0 2021-12-13 23:59:00+00:00 NaT
1 2021-11-29 23:59:00+00:00 NaT
2 2021-12-20 14:00:00+00:00 NaT
3 2021-10-22 14:00:00+00:00 NaT
4 2021-11-30 18:00:00+00:00 NaT
... ... ... ...
PlataformasAgregadasSinMenores_20220106_030013.atom 471 2022-01-19 15:00:00+00:00 NaT
472 2021-05-07 15:00:00+00:00 NaT
473 2021-06-30 23:59:00+00:00 NaT
474 2021-12-13 13:00:00+00:00 NaT
475 2021-11-10 18:00:00+00:00 NaT

951 rows × 2 columns

The new merged pd.DataFrame has the same number of rows as the original one

assert len(df) == len(merged_df)

How many entries have been deleted?


Saving to parquet

In order to save a pd.DataFrame in a parquet file, some conditions must be met:

  1. if some column contains a list, then every element in that columns must also be a list (of a single element if necessary)

  2. the elements of the lists in any column must be of the same type

  3. all of the lists across a given column must have elements of the same type



 parquet_amenable (df:pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, inplace:bool=False)

**Tunes* a pd.DataFrame so that it can saved in a parquet file*

Type Default Details
df DataFrame Input DataFrame to be “tuned” for parquet
inplace bool False If True, the input is modified
Returns DataFrame Parquet-ready DataFrame
parquet_df = parquet_amenable(df)
id summary title updated ContractFolderStatus
ContractFolderID ContractFolderStatusCode LocatedContractingParty ProcurementProject LegalDocumentReference ProcurementProject TechnicalDocumentReference LocatedContractingParty TenderingProcess
BuyerProfileURIID Party ParentLocatedParty Name ... PlannedPeriod ID Attachment PlannedPeriod ID Attachment ParentLocatedParty ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod
PartyName PartyName ... StartDate ExternalReference EndDate ExternalReference ParentLocatedParty EndDate EndTime
Name Name ... URI URI PartyName
... Name
zip file name entry PlataformasAgregadasSinMenores_20220105_030012.atom 0 Id licitación: 2021039438; Órgano de Contratac... L'objecte és la contractació del servei de bug... [2022-01-04 12:12:09.464000+00:00] 2021039438 [RES] Ajuntament de Girona Entitats municipals de Catalunya L'objecte és la contractació del servei de bug... ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 2021-12-13 23:59:00+00:00
1 Id licitación: 2021_2568; Órgano de Contrataci... Servei comunicacions postals de l'Ajuntament d... [2022-01-04 12:12:09.400000+00:00] 2021_2568 [ADJ] Ajuntament de Collbató Entitats municipals de Catalunya Servei comunicacions postals de l'Ajuntament d... ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 2021-11-29 23:59:00+00:00

2 rows × 39 columns

Concatenating dataframes

Concatenating pd.DataFrames with the same number of levels in the columns is fine

pd.concat((df.iloc[:2], df.iloc[2:4]), axis=0).head(2)
id summary title updated ContractFolderStatus
ContractFolderID ContractFolderStatusCode LocatedContractingParty ProcurementProject LegalDocumentReference ProcurementProject TechnicalDocumentReference LocatedContractingParty TenderingProcess
BuyerProfileURIID Party ParentLocatedParty Name ... PlannedPeriod ID Attachment PlannedPeriod ID Attachment ParentLocatedParty ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod
PartyName PartyName ... StartDate ExternalReference EndDate ExternalReference ParentLocatedParty EndDate EndTime
Name Name ... URI URI PartyName
... Name
zip file name entry PlataformasAgregadasSinMenores_20220105_030012.atom 0 Id licitación: 2021039438; Órgano de Contratac... L'objecte és la contractació del servei de bug... [2022-01-04 12:12:09.464000+00:00] 2021039438 [RES] Ajuntament de Girona Entitats municipals de Catalunya L'objecte és la contractació del servei de bug... ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 2021-12-13 23:59:00+00:00
1 Id licitación: 2021_2568; Órgano de Contrataci... Servei comunicacions postals de l'Ajuntament d... [2022-01-04 12:12:09.400000+00:00] 2021_2568 [ADJ] Ajuntament de Collbató Entitats municipals de Catalunya Servei comunicacions postals de l'Ajuntament d... ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 2021-11-29 23:59:00+00:00

2 rows × 39 columns

Let us build a dummy pd.DataFrame with multiindexes for both rows and columns

dummy_df = pd.DataFrame(
    np.random.rand(2, 4),
    columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['a', 'b'], range(1, 3)]),
    index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('', 'foo.atom', 1), ('', 'fee.atom', 2)], names=['zip', 'file name', 'entry']))
a b
1 2 1 2
zip file name entry foo.atom 1 0.640319 0.345485 0.318882 0.357589
fee.atom 2 0.054101 0.484075 0.908403 0.283865

This new dummy pd.DataFrame and the one above cannot be stacked together as they are because they have different number of levels in the columns

    pd.concat((df, dummy_df), axis=0)
except ValueError:
    print(f'{df.columns.nlevels=}, {dummy_df.columns.nlevels=}')
df.columns.nlevels=6, dummy_df.columns.nlevels=2

The resulting pd.DataFrame must have the larger number of levels

res_n_levels = max(df.columns.nlevels, dummy_df.columns.nlevels)

Then we need to complement the names of the columns for the shallower pd.DataFrame

new_names = []

for c in dummy_df.columns:
    new_names.append(c + ('',) * (res_n_levels - dummy_df.columns.nlevels))
[('a', 1, '', '', '', ''), ('a', 2, '', '', '', ''), ('b', 1, '', '', '', ''), ('b', 2, '', '', '', '')]

A new padded pd.DataFrame is built out of the dummy

padded_dummy_df = dummy_df.copy()
padded_dummy_df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(new_names)

Now it’s fine to concatenate both pd.DataFrames

pd.concat((df, padded_dummy_df), axis=0).tail(3)
id summary title updated ContractFolderStatus a b
ContractFolderID ContractFolderStatusCode LocatedContractingParty ProcurementProject ... TechnicalDocumentReference LocatedContractingParty TenderingProcess 1 2 1 2
BuyerProfileURIID Party ParentLocatedParty Name ... ID Attachment ParentLocatedParty ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod
PartyName PartyName ... ExternalReference ParentLocatedParty EndDate EndTime
Name Name ... URI PartyName
... Name
zip file name entry PlataformasAgregadasSinMenores_20220106_030013.atom 475 Id licitación: CONTR/2021/000000137; Órgano de... Servei de redacció del Projecte Executiu d'obr... [2022-01-04 12:12:09.536000+00:00] CONTR/2021/000000137 [ADJ] Institut d'Assistència Sanitària (IAS) Departaments i Sector Públic de la Generalitat Servei de redacció del Projecte Executiu d'obr... ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 2021-11-10 18:00:00+00:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN foo.atom 1 <NA> <NA> <NA> NaN <NA> NaN <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> NaT 0.640319 0.345485 0.318882 0.357589
fee.atom 2 <NA> <NA> <NA> NaN <NA> NaN <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> NaT 0.054101 0.484075 0.908403 0.283865

3 rows × 43 columns

The above steps are summarized in a new function.



 stack (top_df:pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,

Stacks one pd.DataFrame on top of another

Type Details
top_df DataFrame Top
bottom_df DataFrame Bottom
Returns DataFrame Stacked pd.DataFrames

Above df and the dummy one are stacked together

stack(df, dummy_df).tail(3)
id summary title updated ContractFolderStatus a b
ContractFolderID ContractFolderStatusCode LocatedContractingParty ProcurementProject ... TechnicalDocumentReference LocatedContractingParty TenderingProcess 1 2 1 2
BuyerProfileURIID Party ParentLocatedParty Name ... ID Attachment ParentLocatedParty ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod
PartyName PartyName ... ExternalReference ParentLocatedParty EndDate EndTime
Name Name ... URI PartyName
... Name
zip file name entry PlataformasAgregadasSinMenores_20220106_030013.atom 475 Id licitación: CONTR/2021/000000137; Órgano de... Servei de redacció del Projecte Executiu d'obr... [2022-01-04 12:12:09.536000+00:00] CONTR/2021/000000137 [ADJ] Institut d'Assistència Sanitària (IAS) Departaments i Sector Públic de la Generalitat Servei de redacció del Projecte Executiu d'obr... ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 2021-11-10 18:00:00+00:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN foo.atom 1 <NA> <NA> <NA> NaN <NA> NaN <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> NaT 0.640319 0.345485 0.318882 0.357589
fee.atom 2 <NA> <NA> <NA> NaN <NA> NaN <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> NaT 0.054101 0.484075 0.908403 0.283865

3 rows × 43 columns

…in a different order

stack(dummy_df, df).head(3)
a b id summary title updated ContractFolderStatus
1 2 1 2 ContractFolderID ContractFolderStatusCode ... ProcurementProject LegalDocumentReference ProcurementProject TechnicalDocumentReference LocatedContractingParty TenderingProcess
... PlannedPeriod ID Attachment PlannedPeriod ID Attachment ParentLocatedParty ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod
... StartDate ExternalReference EndDate ExternalReference ParentLocatedParty EndDate EndTime
... URI URI PartyName
... Name
zip file name entry foo.atom 1 0.640319 0.345485 0.318882 0.357589 <NA> <NA> <NA> NaN <NA> NaN ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> NaT
fee.atom 2 0.054101 0.484075 0.908403 0.283865 <NA> <NA> <NA> NaN <NA> NaN ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> NaT PlataformasAgregadasSinMenores_20220105_030012.atom 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN Id licitación: 2021039438; Órgano de Contratac... L'objecte és la contractació del servei de bug... [2022-01-04 12:12:09.464000+00:00] 2021039438 [RES] ... <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 2021-12-13 23:59:00+00:00

3 rows × 43 columns

Processing a zip

A convenience function to streamline a common procedure to process data in zip files



 distilled_data_from_zip (zip_file:pathlib.Path|str)

Reads a zip file and extracts the data and deleted entries

Type Details
zip_file pathlib.Path | str Input file
Returns tuple Data, deleted entries
distilled_df, distilled_series = distilled_data_from_zip(input_file)

The bulk of the data

id summary title ContractFolderStatus updated ContractFolderStatus
ContractFolderID LocatedContractingParty ProcurementProject ... LegalDocumentReference ProcurementProject TechnicalDocumentReference LocatedContractingParty TenderingProcess ContractFolderStatusCode
BuyerProfileURIID Party ParentLocatedParty Name TypeCode BudgetAmount ... Attachment PlannedPeriod ID Attachment ParentLocatedParty ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod
PartyName PartyName EstimatedOverallContractAmount ... ExternalReference EndDate ExternalReference ParentLocatedParty EndDate EndTime
Name Name ... URI URI PartyName
... Name
zip file name entry PlataformasAgregadasSinMenores_20220105_030012.atom 474 Id licitación: 15/2021; Ó“rgano de Contratació... “Reforestación de 8,8 HA en el paraje “MONTAÑO... 15/2021 <NA> Junta de Gobierno Local Ayuntamiento de Zierbena “Reforestación de 8,8 HA en el paraje “MONTAÑO... 3.0 51345.73 ... <NA> Obra repoblación Montaño - MUP 66 Publicado.pdf Ayuntamiento de Zierbena <NA> <NA> 2021-12-07 13:00:00+00:00 [2022-01-03 12:56:20.849000+00:00] [EV]
473 Id licitación: 2021/CO_ASER/0120; Ó“rgano de C... Formación a personas emprendedoras 2021/CO_ASER/0120 <NA> Concejala-Delegada del Departamento de Promoci... Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz Formación a personas emprendedoras 2.0 34000.00 ... <NA> ASER0120_Pliego_Prescripciones_Tecnicas_Partic... Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz <NA> <NA> 2021-11-26 13:00:00+00:00 [2022-01-03 12:56:20.897000+00:00] [EV]

2 rows × 39 columns

The Series with the deleted data

zip                                              file name                                            id                                                                          PlataformasAgregadasSinMenores_20220105_030012.atom   2022-01-04 00:12:01.376000+00:00
                                                                                               2022-01-03 23:11:57.567000+00:00
Name: deleted_on, dtype: datetime64[ns, UTC]
# another_input_file = pathlib.Path.cwd().parent / 'data' / ''
# assert another_input_file.exists()
# print(another_input_file)
# another_distilled_df, another_distilled_series = distilled_data_from_zip(another_input_file)
# another_distilled_df.head()
# merge_deleted(another_distilled_df, another_distilled_series)
# res = parquet_amenable(res)


It computes the filling ratio of every identified administration for every column. Non-identified administration will be gathered together in a NaN domain.



 sparsity (df:pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, tidy_up:bool=False,

Ratio of completeness for every (identified) administration

Type Default Details
df DataFrame Input
tidy_up bool False If True columns are ordered
do_not_modify_input bool True If True no domain column is added to the input
Returns DataFrame Output
id summary title updated ContractFolderStatus
ContractFolderID ContractFolderStatusCode LocatedContractingParty ProcurementProject LegalDocumentReference ProcurementProject TechnicalDocumentReference LocatedContractingParty TenderingProcess
BuyerProfileURIID Party ParentLocatedParty Name ... PlannedPeriod ID Attachment PlannedPeriod ID Attachment ParentLocatedParty ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod
PartyName PartyName ... StartDate ExternalReference EndDate ExternalReference ParentLocatedParty EndDate EndTime
Name Name ... URI URI PartyName
... Name
domain 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.000000 1.0 ... 0.121622 0.353604 0.353604 0.121622 0.317568 0.317568 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.934685 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.000000 1.0 ... 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.666667 0.666667 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.000000 1.0 ... 0.062500 1.000000 1.000000 0.062500 0.906250 0.906250 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.979167 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.000000 1.0 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.000000 1.0 ... 0.750000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.500000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.747826 1.0 ... 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.947826 0.947826 0.400000 0.000000 0.000000 0.252174
NaN 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.000000 1.0 ... 0.034483 0.000000 0.000000 0.034483 0.000000 0.000000 0.006897 0.055172 0.055172 0.910345

7 rows × 39 columns

The tidied-up version

sparsity(df, tidy_up=True)
domain NaN
ContractFolderStatus ContractFolderID 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
ContractFolderStatusCode 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
LegalDocumentReference Attachment ExternalReference URI 0.353604 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000 1.000000 0.000000
ID 0.353604 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000 1.000000 0.000000
LocatedContractingParty BuyerProfileURIID 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 0.000000
ParentLocatedParty ParentLocatedParty PartyName Name 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.500 0.400000 0.006897
PartyName Name 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000 0.747826 1.000000
Party PartyIdentification ID 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000 0.000000 0.000000
PartyName Name 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
ProcurementProject BudgetAmount EstimatedOverallContractAmount 1.000000 1.000000 0.979167 0.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
TaxExclusiveAmount 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
Name 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
PlannedPeriod DurationMeasure 0.878378 1.000000 0.937500 0.590909 1.000 1.000000 0.862069
EndDate 0.121622 0.000000 0.062500 0.000000 0.000 0.000000 0.034483
StartDate 0.121622 0.000000 0.062500 0.000000 0.750 0.000000 0.034483
RealizedLocation CountrySubentityCode 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
RequiredCommodityClassification ItemClassificationCode 0.997748 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
TypeCode 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
TechnicalDocumentReference Attachment ExternalReference URI 0.317568 0.666667 0.906250 0.000000 0.000 0.947826 0.000000
ID 0.317568 0.666667 0.906250 0.000000 0.000 0.947826 0.000000
TenderResult AwardedTenderedProject LegalMonetaryTotal TaxExclusiveAmount 0.621622 0.000000 0.385417 0.590909 0.750 0.495652 0.524138
ProcurementProjectLotID 0.103604 0.000000 0.000000 0.272727 0.125 0.060870 0.213793
ReceivedTenderQuantity 0.644144 0.000000 0.406250 0.590909 0.750 0.495652 0.537931
ResultCode 0.644144 0.000000 0.406250 0.590909 0.750 0.495652 0.537931
WinningParty PartyIdentification ID 0.621622 0.000000 0.385417 0.545455 0.750 0.495652 0.524138
PartyName Name 0.621622 0.000000 0.385417 0.545455 0.750 0.495652 0.524138
TenderingProcess ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod EndDate 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.000000 0.055172
EndTime 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.000000 0.055172
ProcedureCode 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod 0.934685 1.000000 0.979167 1.000000 1.000 0.252174 0.910345
EndDate 0.934685 1.000000 0.979167 1.000000 1.000 0.252174 0.910345
EndTime 0.934685 1.000000 0.979167 1.000000 1.000 0.252174 0.910345
ValidNoticeInfo AdditionalPublicationStatus AdditionalPublicationDocumentReference IssueDate 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
PublicationMediaName 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
NoticeTypeCode 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
id 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
summary 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
title 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000
updated 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000 1.000000 1.000000

If we set to False the do_not_modify_input parameter, then a new domain column is added to the input pd.DataFrame. By default, it’s not there.

'domain' in df.columns
sparsity(df, do_not_modify_input=False)
'domain' in df.columns